5006 Trouble Creek Rd, New Port Richey, FL, 34652, United States
If you don't have an email brief template for your company, open ours.
In general, you want your email campaign to have a central theme.
We were working with a part supplier who would send mass emails about hoses, framing, pneumatics, gears, etc. It was a buck shot with no real congruency between their customers and products.
After we segmented their email lists, we were able to target specific products to specific people. We were able to create an email sequence with the theme of framing.
This is what we mean by a theme. Its a specific product or service with a specific target audience.
More important than the theme is... what do you want the email recipient to do after they read your email? How will that action lead to a sales conversation or an actual sale?
Typical CTAs are: buy now, schedule a call, visit a website, sign up for, download a, or some other way to convert the reader into a lead.
For more examples, visit our friends at Hubspot
Now that you have a clear picture of who you are targeting, your general message, and your call-to-action, you can get down to writing.
Emails consist of 8 parts. Who is it coming from? What email is it being sent from? Subject line? Preview text? Intro Paragraph? Headings? Call-to-action? And, an expected send date.
We suggest using a Google doc to get your thoughts onto paper before you open any email marketing software.
You can use our template or create your own.
After you've written your first email, write 2 to 6 more. Stats show, you'll reach most of your audience after 5 emails.
We like Google Calendars because it is user friendly and also ties back to a lot of the free software we use. However, any calendar application will work.
Simply block out an three hours each month for writing a new email campaign. Block off 15 to 30 minutes each week to send and review email campaigns.
Remember, you are an expert in your field. Write as if you were talking to a customer. Better yet, think of a customer you've recently talked to and pretend that you are writing an email to them.
You are going to want to link your outline to the event or task. This way, when its time to send your email, you have your outlines ready to go.
It is importanat that you have the strategy down. You need to know the target, theme, and call-to-action.
But you don't need to be a writer. Check out https://www.writeraccess.com/. You can find quality writers at a competitive rate.
If you are just getting started, you have you probably have emails in a few different places.
Maybe they are in an admin area of your website, maybe they are simply in your email's inbox, maybe they are a box full of business cards sitting on your desk, and maybe you have them sitting in a CRM.
What ever the case, now's the time to get them organized.
Add field(s) to your spreadsheet for list segmentation.
For segmentation tips visit https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/email-list-segmentation.
The last step is to upload your list into your email marketing platform. Go to the platforms help section for specific instructions.
Or schedule a video conference call with us and we'll help you out.