Digital Advertising Guide

Learn how to create and publish a Facebook Ad to improve your lead generation, start more sales conversations, and get more customers.

We suggest creating a marketing plan before starting any marketing tactic. This ensures consistency across your marketing effort. 

Take 15 minutes and complete our questionnaire, and we will send you a custom marketing plan, a custom content calendar, and our complete creative brief template guide.

In general, the execution of marketing tactics is the same.  You pick a platform, set up the foundation, create a schedule, execute the tactic, assess the results, adjust, and repeat.

Why Digital Advertising Matters:

Advertising ensures you are at the top of Google searches, and ensures your social media posts are seen by your target audience. 

This is by far the most effective way to be seen. It is also the most expensive.

What to Expect from Your Digital Advertising Efforts:

For every $2.50 you spend on running an ad, you will get 1 visitor to your website or landing page. 10% to 40% of your visitors will convert to leads. Results may vary depending on industry and the quality of the ad.

Before You Start Digital Advertising, Ask Yourself:

Is approximately 3 hours a month of your time and $2.50 worth a visitor? Is $6.50 to $25 worth a lead?

Your Step-by-step How-to Guide for Digital Advertising

Pick your digital advertising platform(s)

Their are many different platforms that can help you get your message out.  Click on each platform below for a short description of pros and cons.
  • Google Ads


    → Least expensive pay-per-click way to drive website traffic.

    → Lots of options to customize campaigns to increase engagement and decrease costs.

    → Awesome help documentation and support


    → It takes a lot of time to become familure with the plateform.

    → Costs can increase drastically if you are not monitoring daily activity.

  • Facebook Ads


    → You can load your customer list and Facebook's AI will mirror your demographics.

    → You can get extremely specific with your targeting.

    → You can target based on people who have visited your website.

    → Facebook is the biggest, most widely used platform.


    → Unless you are paying for ads, Facebook will not be sharing your content organically.

    → Users have to be viewing their feed to see your ad.

    → If you are in a highly competitive market, you are going to pay high rates.

  • LinkedIn Ads

    More Info Coming Soon...

  • Twitter Ads

    More info coming soon...

  • YouTube Ads

    More info coming soon...

Need more help? Click here to schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation with one of our marketing experts.

Setup your digital advertising accounts.

Click on each platform below for instructions and links to getting started.

Create a content calendar.

It's important to layout when you are going to do what. Fortunately, we've put together the best practices for you. 

Manually add the following events to your calendar or task list. 

Or email from a Gmail account and we will transfer a complete content calendar to you. Just remove the tactics you don't want.
Monthly Tasks or Repeating Events (add to your calendar)
  • Write a creative brief

    Once a month you will want to outline one new ad in a creative brief.

    More detail will be provided in the Execution Step of the guide.

  • Content creation

    Depending on the ad type, you will create a video, image(s), and/or copy to accompany the ad.

    More detail will be provided in the Execution Step of the guide.

  • Create a landing and thank you pages

    All ads should have a call-to-action that leads to a specific landing page. Landing pages are generally simple and specific. Typically they have a form or some other lead generation component. After a visitor completes the action, you will redirect the them to a thank you page.

    More detail will be provided in the Execution Step of the guide.

  • Setup and launch

    Now that you have an outline for your ad, the creative completed, and landing pages setup, you can setup and launch the ad.

    More detail will be provided in the Execution Step of the guide.

Weekly Tasks or Repeating Events (add to your calendar)
  • Ad performance review

    We recommend reviewing your ad performance once a week. You should be managing 5 to 10 ad sets across different platforms. Every time you launch a new ad, turn off the lowest performing ad. By creating one new ad each month and eliminating the lowest performing ad, you will ensure the highest possible ROI.

    More detail will be provided in the Execution Step of the guide.

Example Content Calendar:



10am SEO: page review and update


11:30am Blog: write and post


4pm Ad: performance review


11am Email: send and review email


10:30am Local SEO: review a listing

11am Social: ROI analysis



11am Premium: creative brief


10am SEO: page review and update

10am Social: write schedule


10am Premium: copy

11:30am Blog: write and post


4pm Ad: performance review


10am Local SEO: add a new listing

10:30am Reputation: add a new listing

11am Email: send and review email

11am Email: creative brief

Show all


10am Blog: Outline



10:30am Premium: configure


10am SEO: page review and update


10:30am Premium: link

11:30am Blog: write and post


10am Ads: creative brief

4pm Ad: performance review


11am Email: send and review email




10am Ads: content creation


10am SEO: page review and update


11:30am Blog: write and post


10am Ads: landing and thank you page

4pm Ad: performance review


11am Email: send and review email


10am Ad: setup and launch




10am SEO: page review and update


11:30am Blog: write and post


4pm Ad: performance review


11am Email: send and review email


10:30am Local SEO: review a listing

11am Social: ROI analysis




10am SEO: page review and update


11:30am Blog: write and post


4pm Ad: performance review


10am Local SEO: add a new listing

10:30am Reputation: add a new listing

11am Email: send and review email

Show all


10am Blog: Outline


Execute your plan.

Each task will take a little time to master; however, by creating new ad sets each month, you will eliminate poor preforming ads and develop new ads to ensure maximum ROI for your efforts.

We suggest linking the step by step guides and templates to your task calendar to make it easy to complete your tasks.
Monthly Task Execution
  • Write a creative brief

    Outlining your strategy, ad set, and the anatomy of your ads is criticle to developing good ads. You don't want to be lost in technology while trying to be creative at the same time.

    Click here to download your ads marketing brief template.

  • Content creation

    You can keep is simple by downloading stock photos and icons. Or you can try your skills at taking and editing photos. Either way, here are some of our favorite free apps.

    Free photos

    Free icons

    Free editing tool

    Free layout tool

  • Create a landing and thank you pages

    To create quick and powerful landing pages make sure you are using Studio WES website builder.

    Click here to schedule a demo with us today.

  • Setup and launch
    • Go to Facebook ads manager
    • Click on the green plus icon to create a new campaign
    • Complete all the fields in the campaign editor. Use your creative brief as needed.
    • Complete all the fields in the ad set.  Use your creative brief as needed.
    • Complete all the fields in the ad.  Use your creative brief as needed.
    • Add additional ad sets and ads as needed.  Use your creative brief as nedeed.
Weekly Task Execution
  • Ad performance review

    Template download coming soon... click here to get notified.

Assess your plan.

Unlike organic marketing activities, Ads should generate leads quickly. If it's costing you money and you aren't seeing tangible results, pull the plug and try a new ad. 

As a rule of thumb, every dollar you spend should generate two dollars in revenue.

Adjust and Repeat.

Don't give advertising if you are not seeing an immediate, direct impact. Try adjusting your content.  Think about why would your audience care about your message. And most importantly, make sure you answer the question "what's in it for me?" (me being your audience).

If it is working, increase your budget. If not, try different creative or a different call-to-action.

Other Marketing 
How-To Guides:

Need more help? Schedule a FREE 15-minute consultation with one of our marketing experts.
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