12 Week Marketing Launchpad Program

 All Your Marketing Applications In One Place!

Block 1: Set Up

In block one we will set up your marketing applications and develop your marketing message.

Session 1: Structure

We will work together to set up and optimize your marketing platforms. Set up includes YouTube, Your Blog (a website is required), email marketing, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google My Business, Facebook Ads Manager, and Google Ads Manager.

See The Demo Launchpad

Session 2: Strategy

We will develop your marketing message by defining your ideal customer, your 3 uniques, your proven process, and your guarantee.

Session 3: Application

We will create your first piece of content using your new launchpad. We will post your content to all of your Free marketing platforms. We will configure and post to Facebook and Google Ads.

You can stop after block one and use the desktop app, or you can continue with the training.

Block 2: Create Content & Post

In block two we will create content and post using our launchpad. By repeating the process several times, you will learn how to create content and post with little effort.

Session 4: Content

You will produce your second piece of content using the content creation applications in the marketing launchpad. Our instructor will assist you to prevent frustration and empower your efforts.

Session 5: Posting

You will post your content to your marketing applications. You will become more familiar with the applications and how to use them to benefit your marketing efforts.

Session 6: Content Creation and Posting

You will create your content before the session and review points of frustration with the instructor. Together, you will revise the content and post to your marketing platforms.

Session 7: Content Creation and Posting

Repetition is starting to make you more comfortable with content creation and posting. You will create your content before the session and review points of frustration with the instructor. Together, you will revise the content and post to your marketing platforms.

Session 8: Content Creation and Posting

You will start to create content and post to as many applications as you can prior to the session. You and your instructor will review any points of frustration and revise as needed.

Block 3: Analytics

In block three you will bring all your efforts together and answer the questions: what is working? what is not working? And, how can I adjust?

Session 9: Ads and Budgets

You will create content and post prior to the session. We will look at your ads and review our impressions, clicks, and conversions. We will look at the cost of acquisition and determine next steps by increasing budget or turning off ads. We will adjust our tracking and verify all of the tags are working correctly.

Session 10: Analysis and Review

You will create content and post prior to the session. We will review your analytics and revise your posts as needed. We will outline content strategies moving forward.

Session 11: Do-It-Yourself

You will create content and post to all of your marketing accounts. You will review your analytics and adjust your marketing effort and budget as needed. We will discuss any points of frustration.

Session 12: Do-It-Yourself

You will create content and post to all of your marketing accounts. You will review your analytics and adjust your marketing effort and budget as needed. We will discuss any points of frustration.

Demo A Launchpad

Use the form below to schedule a demo and see what the marketing launchpad can do! There is no obligation to buy. The Launchpad Program costs $850/block and the Marketing Launchpad App is $10/mo.

Schedule A Demo

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