5006 Trouble Creek Rd, New Port Richey, FL, 34652, United States
Next time you are frustrated with Google My Business or Google Ads, try this trick to chat with a live support person.
→ Go to your Google My Business locations Page,
→ Click on the support link in the far left navigation. It's the last link in the left navigation.
→ You will see a popup in right-hand corner to browser articles. Instead of searching, scroll to the bottom of the pop up and click on contact us.
→ Complete the contact form. Always click on the next step button. The form will have options to click on help articles that will navigate you away from the contact page.
→ Select email or chat. The chat option is sometimes not available, depending on Google's support hours.
→ Complete the rest of the contact form.
If you have any trouble locating or completing the form, give us a call
727.222.6984 or contact our
support team.