5006 Trouble Creek Rd, New Port Richey, FL, 34652, United States
If this is your first time accessing the Lead Center, all your leads should be listed as “Raw Leads” (a total number of new leads should be listed under the tab).Some of these leads you may have been in contact with already as Facebook has filtered in Leads from several months ago. However, you now can manage these leads directly from the Facebook Lead Center. We love convenience!Each lead listed has the following information: date, name, e-mail, phone number, stage, source (listing where your lead came from: blog, video, post, etc..)First step is to filter through your leads as stated above there will be leads you have contacted in the past. It is important to now re-categorize these leads. Facebook allows you to categorize your leads into different “Stages.”Stages include: Raw Lead, In-Progress, Interested, Converted, Archive or Bad.You can find this information once you check mark the “lead.”The leads information will be on the right-hand side and can be edited. Within this section you will also find detailed information: e-mail address, phone number, company. You can also add a “label” that will help you the owner organize your lead.