Start a Campaign
- Go to your Google Ads campaigns:
- Left-click on the blue plus icon
- Left-click on
new campaign
- Left-click on
website traffic
- Left-click on
- Select a campaign subtype of
standard display campaign
- In the field “select the ways you’d like to reach your goal” enter your domain
- Left-click on continue
Configure your campaign
- Name your campaign: title
- Click on enter another location
- Enter all of the locations you would like to target
- Set languages to english
- Leave the automated target CPA bid
- Enter a budget of $1 per day
Ad Group
- Name your ad group
- Click on Audience and select your audience(s)
- [optional] change your demographics
Create your ad URL
- Go to your Website’s blog
- Right-click on the latest blog and copy the link address
- Go to
- Paste your URL into the Website URL field
- Type ‘YouTube Ads’ in the campaign source field
- Type ‘Paid Search’ in the campaign medium field
- Type the video name into the campaign name field
- Left-click on the copy URL button
Go back to your Google Ads tab
- Paste the url from the UTM builder into the final URL field
- Click on the plus sign next to images and logos
- Click on recently used or upload images
- Select your image
- Click on “select 1 x 1 (make sure both ratios are selected
- Click on “SELECT 2 RATIOS”
- Repeat as needed
- Click on “SAVE”
- Click on the plus sign next to the “VIDEOS”
- Search for your video
- Click on the video
- Click on save
- Enter 1 to 5 headlines
- Enter your video title into the long headline
- Enter 5 descriptions
- Type your company name into the Business name field
- Click on create campaign
Create a Search Campaign
- Go to your Google Ads campaigns:
- Left-click on the blue plus icon
- Left-click on new campaign
- Left-click on website traffic
- Left-click on search
- Add your website address
- Left-click continue
- Name your campaign
- Left-click enter another location
- Type in your location
- Enter a budget of $2 a day
- Set bidding to clicks
- Set cost per click max to $2
- Add Sitelink extensions
- Add Callout extensions
- Add call extension
- Search and add keywords
- Open a new tab in your browser
Create your ad URL
- Go to your Website’s blog
- Right-click on the latest blog and copy the link address
- Go to
- Paste your URL into the Website URL field
- Type ‘Google Ads’ in the campaign source field
- Type ‘Paid Search’ in the campaign medium field
- Type the video name into the campaign name field
- Left-click on the copy URL button
Create your Ad
- Go back to your Google Ads Tab
- Paste the url into the final URL field
- Add your headlines
- Add display path
- blog/education_video
- Add descriptions
- Left-click on save and continue
- Left-click on continue to campaign
Create a Campaign
- Go to your Google Ads campaigns:
- Left-click on the blue plus icon
- Left-click on new campaign
- Left-click on website traffic
- Left-click on Video
- Left-click on continue
- Name your campaign
- Set bidding strategy to Maximize Conversions
- Enter a budget of $1 a day
- Set an end date 1 month from today
- Left-click enter locations
- Click on enter another location
- Type in Pinellas County and click on Pinellas County
Ad Group
- Name your ad group
- Click on Audience and select your audience
- [optional - ad keywords]
- Search and add keywords
Open a new tab in your browser
- Go to your YouTube Channel
- Copy the YouTube link
- Paste into the Video Link Field
Create your ad URL
- Go to your Website’s blog
- Right-click on the latest blog and copy the link address
- Go to
- Paste your URL into the Website URL field
- Type ‘YouTube Ads’ in the campaign source field
- Type ‘Paid Search’ in the campaign medium field
- Type the video name into the campaign name field
- Left-click on the copy URL button
Create your Ad
- Go back to your Google Ads Tab
- Paste the url into the final URL field
- Add display URL:
- Add call to action: watch
- Add headline
- Left-click on create campaign
- Left-click continue to campaign