So, what you want to do is just simply go ahead and open up all of those and then you will close some of them depending on the content and not others depending on what your distribution looks like.
Then start copying and pasting. So, we're going to go into Facebook and within Facebook we're going to go into our page and within our page we are going to upload a photo. Go into our most recent downloads and then we can go over to our content that we pull from Grammerly.
We know it's all correct and go ahead and paste that. We got a nice little post in here and our messages are on point so I'm going to go ahead and click on post for today.
Then we're going to go into Twitter and do the same thing. Pull up our picture and go ahead and tweet and let's go check out LinkedIn and we're gonna go in and do the same thing pull this up and throw that in there as well. Now for
because it allows you to post from your
desk desktop. I'm just going Instagram
throw that in there add some content and away we go.
Since it's not a video we're not going to do YouTube. So, I'm going to close that out and let's go ahead and jump into our Google My Business and we're going to go to our posts. Let's get a nice little update out there. Just go ahead and throw that in there and a nice little learn more button here and we'll copy our blog and then go back. Grab the whole thing again and copy it.
We're gonna go in to tumblr and lastly Pinterest.
Not that all these platforms are equal but you can see as quickly as we can get through all of this it makes sense to go ahead and post it all in.
So that's it that's how quickly you can get all of this stuff out there. You can see that it's pretty easy the first couple times it takes a little bit more effort,
If you need any help give us a call you know where to find us.